



6 Reasons to Do a Boudoir Session

If you’ve ever considered a boudoir session but weren’t sure if it’s right for you, allow me to share my top six reasons why it might just be the perfect choice.

At Artistrie Co., I’ve had the privilege of photographing women from all walks of life, using my lens to celebrate self-love and body positivity. Whether you’re marking a milestone, embracing a new chapter, or simply seeking to reconnect with yourself, a boudoir session can be a powerful journey of self-discovery.

All boudoir photos by Artistrie Co.

Elegant, natural posing in a Parisian styled loft.

1. You Want to Celebrate Your Body

There’s no better reason than to celebrate you. From weddings and birthdays to personal triumphs and transformations, a boudoir session is a beautiful way to honor your journey and embrace your unique beauty.

One of my postpartum boudoir clients shared: “For me, it was a gift that allowed me to make space for myself during the season of life I was in. This shoot led me back home to honor and love myself again.”

I think there’s something so beautiful and powerful in that feeling. As a boudoir photographer, it’s my hope and goal to make every woman feel that way.

A bridal boudoir photo with a wedding veil

2. You’ll Feel Pampered

Amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a boudoir session offers a luxurious escape. Treat yourself to a day of pampering, complete with professional hair and makeup, curated playlists, and an atmosphere of pure indulgence.

Upon your arrival, I take care of every little thing. I’ll hang your lingerie, fetch you a beverage and customize the music to your liking. 

Professional hair and makeup services are included with every appointment to make you feel like a million bucks. Your stylist will customize your look to whatever you envision so make sure to plan a fun date night or outing with the girls for later!

For your boudoir shoot itself, there’s absolutely no prep work or knowledge of posing required. Once we start, I’ll guide you into every flattering pose, making sure you look perfect from head to toe. 

Bridal boudoir photo session with a wedding veil.

3. Rediscover Your Confidence

My mission as a boudoir photographer is to capture your strength, beauty, and confidence in ways you may have never imagined. Step outside your comfort zone and discover a newfound sense of empowerment as you see yourself in a whole new light.

Women are always receiving messages that our bodies aren’t good enough, that we need to lose x more pounds to be of value or that we need whatever skin cream because god forbid we show signs of aging.

To all of this, I say: enough.

You are enough just as you are, and if you don’t see that now, I certainly hope you will feel this way by the end of your shoot.

Yes, a boudoir session will put you outside of your comfort zone and the reward is unbeatable. One of my recent clients shared these words:

“This experience made me feel sexy in a way I never thought I could. I’ve struggled with my weight and being comfortable in my own skin for a long time. I’ve gained about 20lbs in the last two years and for the first time ever, am starting to feel comfortable in my body. These photos helped reaffirm that a healthy, happy body is so much better than one afraid to eat.”

 A beautiful sunlit boudoir studio in Chicago

4. Playful Dress-Up 

Remember the joy of playing dress-up as a child? A boudoir session is your chance to embrace that same spirit of fun and creativity. Whether you’re channeling your inner goddess or unleashing your wild side, the possibilities are endless.

When I asked one of my boudoir clients how she decided on her wardrobe, she replied “I asked myself: what would I wear in my wildest dreams? And then I did just that.” It’s resonated with me ever since.

A boudoir session is a chance to put on a persona that maybe you don’t get to see or be everyday and there’s so much fun in that!

And for the record, a boudoir session doesn’t just have to mean lingerie. You can wear absolutely anything you want… or nothing at all. The choice is yours!

A boudoir photo with a vintage Parisian fireplace in the backdrop.

5. Timeless Keepsake 

Beyond the allure of the present moment, a boudoir album serves as a lasting testament to your journey and your worth. Display your favorite photos proudly and let them serve as a daily reminder of your strength, beauty, and resilience.

And yes, if you have a partner, these photos can make an unforgettable gift, but the best way to approach your session is as a gift for yourself.

A Parisian loft setting in the heart of Chicago.

6. Unforgettable Experience

While the end result is a collection of stunning images, the journey itself is equally memorable. Laugh, play, and revel in the joy of being unapologetically you, surrounded by an atmosphere of warmth, laughter, and genuine connection.

There’s fun music playing in the background, champagne, and lots of jokes and laughter to keep the mood fun and light.

I’ll coach you the entire time and you’ll get to hear all of my terrible, cheesy jokes. Plus, I’ll demo all the poses and do them with you so you will never feel alone in this very unique experience. 

An intimate boudoir photo

For those of you new to the concept of doing a boudoir photo session, here are some of the basics:

What is a boudoir session? 

At Artistrie Co., a boudoir session is more than just a photoshoot—it’s a celebration of femininity, self-expression, and empowerment.

In today’s world, boudoir photography is about more than just capturing images; it’s about fostering self-love, body positivity, and embracing your inner goddess.

During our sessions, you have the freedom to dress however makes you feel most comfortable, whether that’s in lingerie, partially nude, or fully clothed. Whatever you choose, my goal is to create elegant, timeless art that showcases your beauty and confidence in the most natural light possible.

A woman wearing white lingerie and a chambray shirt.

Where is a boudoir session held? 

The term “boudoir” originates from the French word for a woman’s bedroom or private chambers, evoking intimacy and elegance.

At Artistrie Co., our boudoir sessions transcend traditional studio settings, embracing the ambiance of vintage lofts and luxurious hotels. We seek spaces bathed in natural light, radiating cleanliness, brightness, and a neutral color palette.

Our modern approach to boudoir eliminates the need for elaborate furniture, focusing instead on the interplay of luminous surroundings and your unique presence.

Bridal lingerie details.

What do women wear for boudoir sessions? 

At Artistrie Co., we celebrate your individuality, empowering you to choose attire that reflects your true essence.

While many opt for lingerie, the decision is entirely yours to make. Embracing a natural, subtly seductive aesthetic, we encourage clients to incorporate everyday wardrobe staples into their sessions.

From a crisp white button-down shirt to a beloved denim jacket, each piece adds depth and personal flair to your photos. Whether worn alone or paired with lingerie, these versatile garments offer endless possibilities for creating diverse and captivating imagery.

Ready to Work Together?

Ready for a transformative journey? I’d love to hear from you! Whether you’re in Chicago or beyond, let’s connect and explore the possibilities together. Email me at ashley@artistrieco.com or visit my website’s contact page


Have a question?

Reach out to Ashley today and let's start planning the perfect photography experience for your wedding, boudoir or portrait session.

Email: ashley@artistrieco.com